UM has racked up an impressive number of shortlisted entries for 2012’s Festival of Media Global Awards. Out of the 14 categories, UM was singled out 10 times. More importantly, UM was recognized for two separate campaigns that received 3 highly commendable honors.
The Festival of Media Global Awards recognizes the very best creative thinking and innovation in media globally.
For Acuvue’s “Selling Right through Song,” UM understood that teenagers felt they’re talented and hope to one day be famous, but won’t realize the fruits of their talents until much later in life. As a result, UM created a campaign that utilized celebrities which empowered kids to take control of their dreams and motivated them to start making their “one day” dreams a reality, today.
The “Awaken Your Beeflex” involved the challenge to reignite Australia’s love of the simple, but delicious beef BBQ with the hope of reclaiming the grill to uplift sales over the summer season. The strategy was clear, revitalize the primal instincts of men by inspiring them to step up to the grill and cook their favorite food, beef.
Here are the highly commended UM entries by category:
Best Use of Content
“Selling Sight through Song”– by UM/ J3
Client: Acuvue
Best Communications Strategy & Creative Use of Media
“Awaken Your Beeflex” – by UM Sydney
Client: Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA)
All in all, these award wins are a true testament to UM’s commitment to Curious thinking, an innovative spirit and high caliber of work across the globe. Congratulations to all the winners and shortlisted submissions, you’ve done us proud!.
Here are the shortlisted UM entries:
Best Communications Strategy
“Game on With the Navy” – by UM Sydney
Client: Australian Navy
Best Entertainment Platform
“Selling Sight Through Song” – by UM/ J3
Client: Acuvue
Best Experiential Campaign
“Dinner Arrangement” – by UM Sweden
Client: Swedish Post Office
Best Targeted Campaign
“The Top Gun Challenge” – by UM Sydney
Client: Australian Air Force
Best Use of Content
“Selling Sight Through Song” – by UM/ J3
Client: Acuvue
“Treasuring Everyday Joy” – by UM/ J3
Client: Johnson’s Baby
Best Use of Emerging Technology
“Live on Live” – by UM London
Client: Xbox
“Treasuring Everyday Joy” – by UM/ J3
Client: Johnson’s Baby
Best Use of Digital Landscape
“Selling Sight Through Song” – by UM/ J3
Client: Acuvue
The Effectiveness Award
“It’s a Great Time to Be a Family” – by Lodestar UM
Client: Microsoft