Category: Awards

Progress toward gender equity in the workplace continues even as challenges remain. From the lingering wage gap and unconscious biases to underrepresentation in executive roles and workplace harassment, women navigate a professional landscape that demands resilience and advocacy. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, women working full-time year-round are paid 84 percent of what men

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Chief Marketer’s Top Women in Marketing honors the most impactful brand marketers, agencies, and partners making waves across the industry. From visionary leaders to social media experts, data mavens, and creative storytellers, this year’s winners are driving innovation, breaking barriers, and setting new standards in both B2B and B2C marketing. Congratulations to these trailblazers who

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Each year, She Runs It honors women in marketing, media, and tech who are transforming their brands, their organizations, their teams, and the industry overall. These game changers are catalysts of innovation who are reinventing the rules of marketing. … Erin Quintana, US CEO, UM See the full list of honorees in Adweek.

Anathea Ruys CEO, UM Australia Ruys was lured back to Australia in 2021 to lead UM after spending four years in LA leading Carat’s operations in the Midwest and West of the US. Way before that, however, Ruys was the editor of New Idea — it’s no wonder that she says “UM sees media in

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Honoring the exceptional achievements and contributions of female leaders across various sectors, Cynopsis’ Top Women in Media Awards Gala shines a spotlight on those who have made a significant impact in their respective fields. From executives and innovators to content creators and marketers, this ceremony acknowledges the diverse talents and expertise of women shaping the

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UM US (Global Headquarters)
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