Category: Thought Leadership

This year, 30-second commercials in the Super Bowl went for more than $8 million; however, for some brands, that simply wasn’t enough time. Dunkin’, Pfizer, T-Mobile, Uber Eats, and TurboTax were some of the brands that opted for 60-second and 90-second ads this year. Jeep even bought two minutes of ad time in the fourth quarter. But when

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UM MENAT’s Joe Nicolas shares the secret recipe to success: turning complexity into clarity, noise into impact and transient moments into enduring strategies. Let’s call 2024 what it really was, an intense year for the media industry when buzzwords such as artificial intelligence, automation and martech dominated our conversations and challenged the core of our

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To compete with AI, agencies must do what they’ve always done best, says Dan Chapman, global chief strategy officer at UM, part of IPG Mediabrands: focus on finding a brand’s true difference. In the second law of thermodynamics, entropy describes an inevitable decline into disorder within a closed system. Applied to marketing, this principle translates

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In 2025, media agencies can expect their workload to diversify and get bigger, according to media agency bosses Natalie Cummins, Henry Daglish and Kara Osborne. … Osborne, chief executive of UM London, wants agencies to be seen as a “true business partner” in the year 2025 so that they can tackle next year’s key issue

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People aren’t posting as much anymore, there are too many adds, it’s been taken over by influencers, it’s become toxic, there’s too much misinformation, there are too many bots… the list of gripes seems to grow by the day.  Last year, a Gartner survey found 53% of consumers believe the current state of social media has decayed

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