Powered by our mission to Stand Against Bland, UM’s transformational Full Color Media approach is designed to lead a renaissance of media in the intelligence era. Full Color Media recognizes that in order to truly drive growth and efficacy, and to combat the threat of blandness, brands first need to find their unique, complex and nuanced patterns.
By leveraging our Brand Pattern methodology and model, Full Color Media empowers companies to understand the complete spectrum of their brand to grow to their Full Color potential.
Brand Pattern Growth Model
UM’s proprietary Brand Pattern Growth Model for marketing drives differentiation by brand, recognizing intelligently how a brand drives category distinctiveness and social connectivity. The model identifies the unique, complex and nuanced pattern of a brand across three areas:
-Elevating brand Visibility in category > driving brand distinctiveness
-Connecting brands with Vibrancy in culture > delivering brand relevancy
-Creating brand difference through Variability > generating customer intrinsic value
By analyzing the relationship between key brand perceptions over time and how they impact brand and business results, the model delivers insights that inform media and marketing strategy, driving desired business outcomes and identifying focus areas for future brand growth.
The Brand Pattern Growth Model invites brands to join UM’s mission to Stand Against Bland and embrace more effective advertising-driven growth.