
To compete with AI, agencies must do what they’ve always done best, says Dan Chapman, global chief strategy officer at UM, part of IPG Mediabrands: focus on finding a brand’s true difference. In the second law of thermodynamics, entropy describes an inevitable decline into disorder within a closed system. Applied to marketing, this principle translates

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In 2025, media agencies can expect their workload to diversify and get bigger, according to media agency bosses Natalie Cummins, Henry Daglish and Kara Osborne. … Osborne, chief executive of UM London, wants agencies to be seen as a “true business partner” in the year 2025 so that they can tackle next year’s key issue

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People aren’t posting as much anymore, there are too many adds, it’s been taken over by influencers, it’s become toxic, there’s too much misinformation, there are too many bots… the list of gripes seems to grow by the day.  Last year, a Gartner survey found 53% of consumers believe the current state of social media has decayed

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Digiday hosted a focus group of eight senior media agency executives who oversee media investment at holding company-owned and independent media agencies to gather first-person accounts of client spending. Agencies and networks that participated in the focus group were: UM Assembly Global Horizon Media Magna Global Mediahub Novus PMG Publicis Media … “A lot of

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Perplexity has unveiled its AI-driven ecommerce feature, ‘Buy with Pro,’ for its U.S. Pro users. Previously dubbed ‘Pro Shop,’ consumers can now purchase items directly from Perplexity’s app. Perplexity is incentivizing people to shop by offering free shipping. Once a product is selected, users only need to enter their billing and shipping details to complete

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