Twitter became the latest social media player to copy Snapchat’s popular format of disappearing stories. The company on Wednesday shared details on “Fleets,” which it describes as “a way to share your fleeting thoughts.” People can view Fleets starting today, but must visit a user’s profile page to do so. Twitter is currently testing Fleets
In late 2018, a gripping documentary called 5B came out that told the story of nurses who were on the frontline of the AIDS epidemic in the early 1980s. The movie was screened at the Cannes Film Festival last year and covered by the likes of NPR and The Washington Post. The film originated from an unlikely
It may seem premature to talk about a world beyond the smartphone. Despite the prevalence of wearables, voice interfaces and artificial intelligence, nothing seems ready to pluck our phones from our hands. And yet, all of the major technology companies in the West are placing their bets on what might emerge as the platform of
In the span of one year, Lynn Lewis, the chief executive officer for U.S. operations at media giant UM has accomplished a lot at an agency already known for making a big impact. Segueing from running UM’s New York City office, in late 2018 she took on the leadership role for all 10 of UM’s
Answers this way: Super Bowl is around the corner — a time when brands of all sizes are looking to make a splash. How can marketers turn heads by leveraging the big game without spending a ton of money? Ryan Miller, Manager, Partnerships, IPG Medialab, UM’s Innovation Division The supersaturated media frenzy that is the
By Joshua Lowcock , Op-Ed Contributor, 2 hours ago As we enter a new year and with CES now behind us, I have been reflecting on what trends in digital and technology will shape the decade ahead. After some thought, I landed on 3 Rs — Rights, Responsibility, and Regulation — as what will define the
As CES wraps up another year of hustle and bustle, it is clear that technology has not only impacted every aspect of our daily lives, but it is also expanding consumer access points beyond traditional media channels for brands to experiment and innovate around. While some have lamented that CES 2020 offered nothing particularly new
Enyi Nwosu, Mindshare partner and head of strategy, has joined UM UK as chief strategy officer. He will lead the agency’s strategy team and its content arm UM Studios, as well as “identifying and embracing new thinking that will drive momentum and growth across all of UM’s clients”. He will report to chief executive Rachel Forde.
Ad Age Best Places to Work 2020 honors 50 companies that have figured out what works. The winning workplaces—25 companies with 200 or fewer employees and 25 companies with more than 200 employees—reflect the highest overall numerical scores based on an analysis of questionnaires submitted by employers and survey responses from thousands of their employees. Ad
Madison Avenue has long been able to stuff some $70 billion annually into TV commercials. Now the advertising industry is trying to figure out how much of that money it can put down on streaming video. Streaming will account for 60% of all video viewing in 2020, compared with 56% in 2018, and is poised to