WASHINGTON — To put some Super Hero Spidey-power into its promotion of Priority Mail, the United States Postal Service (USPS) is teaming up with Sony Pictures for the release of the highly anticipated motion picture “The Amazing Spider-Man 2,” in theaters nationwide on May 2, 2014.
In a campaign to promote Priority Mail and “The Amazing Spider-Man 2,” the Postal Service and Sony Pictures are collaborating on a high-profile, multi-channel marketing campaign that begins this week and continues through the end of May.
“Our Priority Mail products share many qualities with a Super Hero of Spider-Man’s caliber, namely those of speed, agility and reliability,” said Nagisa Manabe, Chief Marketing and Sales Officer at USPS. “Like Spider-Man, our priority has always been the people we serve. We pride ourselves on our commitment to public service and delivering for our customers, and we are excited about enlisting Spider-Man to help promote our Priority Mail offerings.”
One of the centerpieces of the campaign, which includes direct mail, digital and social media elements, is a television commercial that features Spider-Man circumventing all obstacles in delivering a Priority Mail package to a special showing for fans of “The Amazing Spider-Man 2.” USPS linked up with Sony Pictures through their mutual media agency, Universal McCann(UM), and DNA Productions to create the television spot with renowned directors, Rich Lee and Marc Webb, director of “The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Viewers can watch the new USPS/Spider-Man TV spot on the Postal Service’s YouTube channel at youtube.com/user/uspstv.
“While we always knew about the breadth and reach of the Postal Service, it was exciting to learn about the everyday heroism of its employees,” said Dwight Caines, president, Theatrical Marketing for Sony Pictures. “Those traits make this partnership the perfect fit for co-branding and cross-promoting ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2.’ We are constantly seeking creative ways to promote our films, and the Postal Service couldn’t have been a better choice.”
The campaign also parallels with the beloved Super Hero by highlighting the courageous acts of the postal workforce. One such example is Isagani Ravelo, a letter carrier in Virginia who saved a person’s life when he heard a customer in distress calling for help. He entered the home to find an elderly woman with severe head injuries resulting from a fall. He immediately performed first-aid to stop bleeding and called an acquaintance of the accident victim for assistance, as the victim requested.
Last year, the Postal Service recognized 262 postal employees for heroic acts in the Postmaster General’s heroes program.
The wide-ranging promotion also includes trucks featuring Spider-Man images in major urban centers, in-movie integrated logo placement, limited-edition Spider-Man Priority Mail Flat Rate Shipping Boxes, online and digital banners, Spider-Man postage from self-service kiosks, and retail signs. Inspired by Spider-Man’s comic book heritage, the campaign will feature graphic renderings as a story-telling vehicle and feature stories of ‘USPS super heroes’ – real-life Postal Service employees delivering for their customers.
“We are thrilled to collaborate with Sony to relay everyday heroism in Spider-Man and the Postal Service,” continued Manabe. “Sony’s innovation and global leadership is sure to help us highlight the exciting products the Postal Service has recently brought to the shipping marketplace. We plan to continue pursuing effective marketing collaborations that highlight the great and reliable service the Postal Service offers to customers each and every day.”
In 2013, the Postal Service added to the strong momentum in its shipping business by launching major changes to its Priority Mail lineup such as improved features, improved USPS Tracking and day-specific delivery.
The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.