People aren’t posting as much anymore, there are too many adds, it’s been taken over by influencers, it’s become toxic, there’s too much misinformation, there are too many bots… the list of gripes seems to grow by the day.  Last year, a Gartner survey found 53% of consumers believe the current state of social media has decayed compared to either the prior year or five years ago. A perceived decay in the quality of social-media platforms will drive 50% of consumers to abandon or significantly limit their interactions with social media by 2025, according to Gartner.

“Social media spend is not dropping but diversifying across new formats and partnerships within social platforms,” says Adam Krass, chief digital, data & technology officer, UM Australia. “In many cases, social-media investment is on the rise, driven by consumer trust in social influencers and the efficacy of influencer marketing. Consumers increasingly place trust in content creators and influencers, which has led brands to invest in paid partnerships that amplify the reach and impact of influencer content.”

Read more in Campaign Asia.