UM has been chosen by Decathlon to develop its media campaigns in the coming years.
The European multinational, the leader in sales of sports equipment in Spain, has considered that UM is the most effective agency to manage its advertising after the competition called to review its media account.
Working for a brand such as Decathlon is a great achievement for UM and an evidence that the new cycle as an IPG Mediabrands company, in addition to excellence in strategic tasks and planning and purchasing media, is materialized in a clear commitment to innovation and Brand Experience, Digital Transformation, Data and Technology and Research and Analytics are already being recognized by the main advertisers of our country.
With “Moments Planning,” the UM tool that allows working the strategy of brands in the moments that matter to consumers, it has been possible to show Decathlon a unique way of working in the sector.
At a time when agencies and advertisers talk so much about data and technology, data-driven approach developed by UM for Decathlon to reach the right person at the right time and with a unique and personalized message, and Innovation to achieve content relevant and high value, have become the key to build a special and differentiating proposal.
For Ana González, UM’s General Manager, “our technical capacity, our work process, present a truly integrated strategy to solve the day-to-day of each communication challenge, with the focus on the consumer and the customization of each message, and the enthusiasm of the team, I think they have been key to surprise and excite Decathlon.”